
Tuesday 26 November 2019

Social Studies essay

In social studies my class have been learning about different treaties then we had to create an essay about treaties and my treaty is here

The whalers tribe was once the biggest but now a lot of people in that tribe have died and that tribe is not the biggest anymore. My point matters because the whalers tribe was the most important tribe in history and they once had a lot of people and they all died in the wars and that tribe is the smallest. 
There were many whalers the whalers were from many countries like Australia, France, and America but the majority were from Britain so the whalers tribe was the biggest and they came from many countries all around the world and a lot of them died to different things happening.

The Maori tribe/people taught the missionaries different things like agriculture and Christianity the earliest of missionaries came to New Zealand in 1814. My point matters because the missionaries did not know very much about agriculture and Christianity so the Maori taught them how to look after their farms and other things like livestock. Maori were good at teaching things and the missionaries did not know things the missionaries had to be taught how to look after animals and their land by the Maori and now they have learned a lot of things so now they can look after farms and animals and other things like that.

Thousands of Maori dies in the musket wars and the muskets changed warfare when the wars began thousands of people fled there land to go somewhere safe thousands were enslaved or became refugees. War is very different now because back in the days they only had muskets but now they have new guns which are even more deadly like cannons and machine guns which fire bullets one after another very fast. My point matters because Maori were either killed, enslaved or became refugees and the muskets had changed war by a big difference because they were very powerful and deadly 

It was created to say that the American colonies were no longer part of the British colonies and that they would have their own countries
The declaration of independence was created to split countries and colonies apart from each other
My point matters because countries were once together and now they are separated  

My treaty is all about the declaration of independence and why it was created and what it has done to other countries and it is also about the muskets and the war between them and how it started and ended and what happened in the middle of wars.

Greenhouse effect

What is the greenhouse effect

The greenhouse effect is the process by which radiation from a planet's atmosphere warms the planet's surface to a certain temperature and on venus, the very high concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes an extreme greenhouse effect resulting in surface temperatures as high as 450 degrees Celcius.

Effects of global warming

some effects of global warming are early snow melts, melting glaciers, water shortages, and forests, farms, and cities will face troublesome with new pests.

What is the solution to climate change
  1. Speak up! ...
  2. Power your home with renewable energy. ...
  3. Weatherize, weatherize, weatherize like add more to your house 
  4. Invest in energy-efficient appliances. ...
  5. Reduce water waste. ...
  6. Actually, eat the food you buy—and make less of it meat. ...
  7. Buy better bulbs. ...

Thursday 21 November 2019

Greta thunberg

Greta Thunberg is making a speech about climate change and how people are disrespecting the land and the world and I agree with what she says about what people have done and she's a little bit rude by the way she talks to people and the generations before her and how they have put her in this position with the global warming and they want the next generation to fix it. She gets angry about it because it's not her that put the world in that position.

Greta Thunberg

What does the presenter suggest?
That the presenter is suggesting that some children or teenagers are bossy or a little bit angry and that Greta Thunberg is angry and that children don't need to be bossy at the that age

How are the children constructed?
Children are constructed in this by arguing with people who don't believe in global warming and that children are not meant to be doing this and that they should be in school learning things for the future and they are not meant to be involving themselves in things that they are not meant to be doing and should be enjoying life.

What is the viewer's position?
That they might think that Greta Thunberg might be a future political leader.

Wednesday 23 October 2019

E - asttle practice writing persuasive

I am aiming to improve my writing in the following 3 areas sentences, more punctuation, and vocabulary

I will do this by adding more punctuation into my sentences to make them shorter and easier to read and putting my sentences into paragraphs to make them one whole thing and vocabulary  by adding more complex words into my writing to make it interesting

Here is why  owning lot of things is good

Owning more stuff makes you merry because then you have more possessions to do with your friends or family. for example, If you own a lot of cars then you can take them onto the road and show other people by taking them to a show or driving around the city also if one of your cars breaks down then you have other cars to drive to rescue you.

Owning a lot of other things like technology which could include new gadgets, phones, and computers can you make you happy because then you can download the latest newest games.

However, this  is why it is bad to own a lot of things 

 If you go away on holiday and leave your house you might have to get other people to look after the house for you because strangers could show up to the house and hop out of their vehicle and break into the house and steal almost everything expensive which you have brought with your own money which you have been saving up for a long time. 

After a long time, you could plausibly run out of money and have to wait for a payday from the bank to your own bank account and that could take up to a week or half a week because they could be busy with other people trying to get things sorted. Some of the expensive things could be really rare and you can't get them anymore or hard to find like gold plating for cars or gold armor from the old old days or going on an extravagant  trip all around the world and paying for 

Travel likes taxis, planes, trains, ships and even hotels. 

Tuesday 22 October 2019


How do they form
Volcanoes are formed when magma from within earth upper mantle works its way to the surface at the surface it erupts to form lava flows and ash deposits over time as the volcano continues to erupt it will get bigger and bigger.

Tambora Indonesia the largest recorded volcanic eruption in history Tambora caused enough starvation and disease to kill approximately 80,000 people. 

When did it last erupt
Mount Tambora is still active and minor lava domes and flows have been recorded during the 19th and 20th centuries. The last eruption was recorded in 1967

A shattering blast blew the mountain apart on the evening of April 10. The blast pyroclastic flows, and tsunamis that followed killed at least 10,000 islanders and destroyed the homes of 35,000 more and the economic impact of the eruption is estimated at 1 billion dollars.


The debris also caused a moderate-sized tsunami. In all, so much rock and ash were thrown out of Tambora that the height of the volcano was reduced from 14,000 to 9,000 feet. The worst explosions were heard hundreds of miles away. The eruptions of Tambora also affected the climate worldwide. The steam off the volcano formed 6 months before the eruption the effect of the volcano can be felt 300 miles away the people who lived in Indonesia in 1815 had to survive a year without summer because of the ash from volcano covering the sky and not moving.


4 spatulas of potassium iodide in 20ml of water the potassium speeds up the reaction 

35% hydrogen peroxide

Dishwashing liquid
Food coloring

Tuesday 24 September 2019

End of Term Reflection.

In English today Me and Connor made this collage and we were not allowed to use any words and the collage was based on what we learnt this term.

Wednesday 18 September 2019

End of term food blog

This term we have been looking at a cultural unit
So far I have learnt that food comes from different places and people like different things
I know I have learnt this because I have researched it and been taught about it
Practicals we have made this term are Scones from Britan, Sushi from Japan, Cookies from New Zealand, Chicken pad thai from Thailand but they have made it to NZ people from those countries or from people who know how to make it. Skills I have learnt from the practicals are to not put your finger under a fruit or vegetable when you are cutting it up into pieces and I will use these in the future by using them in future practicals in my group working with other people in my group has been ok and other times we have had to restart the practical and follow the instructions carefully and slowly.

Wednesday 11 September 2019


Miso soup

hot pot

Rice cooker

Monday 9 September 2019

Children of blood and bone review questions

Describe a relationship between 2 or more characters in the text. Explain how this relationship helped you to understand at least 1 of the characters.
  • Choose your relationship. Who is in it? 2+ characters.
  • Choose your character(s) which this relationship helps you understand.
  • How are you going to structure the BODY of your essay to present your answer to this question?
  • Come up with THREE different ideas -- one per body paragraph.



To make a land yacht go fast and far with a paper sail

1m paper roll
2m tape
Cardboard square
metal rod
Leaf Blower


1  plan two large  triangular sail shapes
2 draw it on the paper
3 cut it out or fold the shape
4 get the trolley base and the mast
5 tape the sail to the mast
6 take the land yacht outside where there is wind if no wind try to find a leave blower
7 it does not go the way you want it to go modify it
8 once modified take it back outside and see it goes the way you want it to.




Our Land yacht went 4.6 meters and then fell over from the wind and our sail was ripped and did not go well because the wind went into the hole and tipped it over next time we are going to choose a different type sail and make it bigger 

Thursday 5 September 2019

Children of blood and bone review

Describe a relationship between 2 or more characters in the text. Explain how this relationship helped you to understand at least 1 of the characters.

  • Choose your relationship. Who is in it? 2+ characters.
  • Choose your character(s) which this relationship helps you understand.
  • How are you going to structure the BODY of your essay to present your answer to this question?
  • Come up with THREE different ideas -- one per body paragraph.

Monday 2 September 2019

Essay pre planning

My key event is the burning of Ilorin when  King Saran sent Inan to the village and burn it down to the ground and have nothing there. My important character is going to be Zelie because she changed her ways from being soft to hard and calm to angry and struggling to go to find money and then she became a warrior by becoming strong. deadly, hateful which sets her up for fighting her life.

The incident of the burning of Ilorin helped me to understand the important idea of discrimination because it shows the fear that the royal family feel for the Maji

I think this quote fits into it nicely one guard grabs an elderly woman by her hair and hold a sword to her throat

Wednesday 28 August 2019


In food recently we have been doing practicals

so far we have done

Scones, Sushi, Pizza and Nz fish and chips

For the pizza practical we made the base out of Greek yoghurt and it tasted good I have never made a pizza base out of greek yoghurt and then we got to put our own toppings onto the pizza and then we put it in the oven to cook

For the fish and chips, we got one piece of fish and we made the coating to go on top of the fish and to make the chips we got a potato and chopped it into even-sized pieces and then we put them into the oven for a bit until they were cooked enough and till they were crisped and golden coloured

Tuesday 27 August 2019

Cave Drawings

My cave drawing has a minion which he came from a cave it is important to me because the minions are funny and weird and because I enjoy the movie with my family and friends. My design relates to the traditional art technique because he is dressed up like a cave person and cave people were old and had no fancy or casual clothes to wear there wore animal skin and fur.

The movie minions is about these little yellow midgets who speak in their own language and they explore the world to find food and they live with this person called Gru. Gru is the boss of the minions.

Monday 26 August 2019

Children of blood and bone chapter

Inan’s amber eyes trap me in the truth of his betrayal, but it isn’t the gaze I
know. He’s a stranger. A soldier. The shell of the little prince.
Note: It is interesting to think about how Zélie became an empty “shell” after Saran
tortured her. After talking with Saran, Inan became a shell, also.
Think back to when Inan said they had no choice but to kill the maji.
Zélie said, “There’s always a choice.”

A message I can take from this is that king Saran tortured Zelie and left Zelie alone and it had broken her inside of her and her brain was shattered which means that when she sees king Saran again she will feel scared and weaker and can't stand up to him.

Thursday 22 August 2019

Children of blood and bone Chapter 74

Note: This time you have not been provided a quote from the story. This is an
King Saran firmly believes in duty over self. Peace between Maji and kosidán
failed in the past, so he does not want to try again.
Inan believes he must make a similar choice between his country and his
heart. He makes the same choice as his father, even though the majacite
sword blisters his own skin (this is symbolism). Inan gives up everything to be
everything his Father wants.
This could be compared to / A message I take from this scene is
Think back to what Zuko said about the honor. Where does it come from?

The message I can take from the paragraph is that Inan wants to fight for his country and not for his girlfriend Zelie and he has chose between his heart or country and he has chosen the country

Wednesday 21 August 2019

Are Students addicted to their cellphones

Some students are addicted to their phones because they want to check their social media or they have to check their social media from there friends or family. Also, they want to play games hours on end and never stop until they get bored or they have to go out with their family also, smartphone use could increase the amount of time it takes to fall asleep. The light emitted from the cell phone may activate the brain.

Food technology

sustainability to easy access through supermarkets

laws were more relaxed around taxes on imported foods

immigration laws loosened that allowed people to settle here

Access to new dishes Nz's open to trying

traditions passed down generation

Due to immigration, more food places are opening up eg Thai .indian

Societal Media reaches a wides audience socail media

Health Millions of $ spent on this due to obesity and other specific

Education Students are better educated around healthy lifestyles

Tuesday 20 August 2019

Children of blood and bone Chapter 66

Father stands in his night robes, scanning a faded map. No sign of hatred. Not
even a hint of disgust.
For him, carving MAGGOT into a girl’s back is just another day’s work.

In that instant, it hits me: Zulaikha’s death. Zélie’s screams. They don’t mean a
thing to him. Because they’re maji, they’re nothing.

The message I can take from this  is that Zelie had the word maggot carved into her back and now she is going to be used in a bad way to get the scroll for a man and then he wants her to destroy the scroll and then once she has destroyed it she will die and she will have a parade around the town.

I think that this is bad because Zelie is being used in a bad way and she did not get to say what she wanted to do or if she wanted the word maggot carved into her

Monday 19 August 2019

Children of blood and bone Chapter 63

“You know what intrigues me about your kind? You always start in the middle
of the story. As if my father didn’t fight for your rights. As if you maggots didn’t
burn my family alive.”
“You can’t enslave an entire people for the rebellion of a few.”
Saran bares his teeth. “You can do whatever you want when you’re the king.”

The message I can take from this scene is that people are different and they act there own way they choose to. Also when people are king or queen they can rule the world and  be the boss of everything and they can kill anyone that they choose to.

Friday 16 August 2019


Definition of technology

The definition of technology is science or knowledge put into practical use to solve problems or invent useful tools to help people 

My slides are about old day technology and new technology and how have they improved in the years days or even months

Art techniques 2019

In art, we have been learning about different techniques and today we had to go on our teacher's site and pick a picture to paint.

The picture I choose was aboriginal dots painting and I thought it was cool.

My blog post is not finished but my teacher made me post it 

Thursday 15 August 2019

Children of blood and bone chapter 61

Tears sear my vision, falling fast down my face. A Healer. A child.
Yet her last moments are stained with hate.

A message I can take from this scene is that Zelie is describing her own emotions about her dying friend who was only 13 years old in front of her and her moments were stained with hate because she hates everyone who killed her.

Wednesday 14 August 2019

Children of blood and bone chapter 41

Looking at Zélie, I finally have the answer to the question I was too afraid to
ask. I cannot be like Father.
I will not be that type of king.
I let go of her wrists, but inside I let go of so much more. Father’s tactics. His
Orïsha. Everything I now realize I don’t want to be.
My duty has always been to my kingdom, but it must be for a better Orïsha. A
new Orïsha.
A land in which a prince and a maji could coexist. A land where even Zélie and
I could be a “we.”
If I am to truly fulfill my duty to my kingdom, that is the Orïsha I must lead.

Worlds strongest magnet

‘Little big coil’ breaks the record for the world’s strongest magnet

In Science today I was researching about the world’s strongest magnet, called little big coil 3 

Researchers at the US MagLab have built the strongest magnet on Earth, which they nicknamed little big coil (LBC).
With a magnetic flux density of 45.5 Tesla, it is 9000 times more powerful than a typical fridge magnet and almost half as strong as a chemical bond-distorting magnetic white dwarf star. Unlike its giant 45T predecessor – which held the record for almost two decades – the new setup is smaller and uses much less power.

Children of Blood and bone chapter 59

“How will I coming back to Lagos solve any of that?” I ask. “As we speak,
your father calls for my head!”
“My father’s scared.” Inan shakes his head. “He’s misguided, but his fear is
justified. All the monarchy’s ever seen is the destruction maji can bring.
They’ve never experienced anything like this.” He gestures to the camp, faces
alight with so much hope his smile practically glows in the darkness. “Zulaikha
created this in one moon, and there are already more diviners in Lagos than
anywhere else in Orïsha. Just imagine what we could accomplish with the
resources of the monarchy behind us.”

A message I can take from this scene is that later on in the book that there will be no diviners or majis left and Inan is a bit hopeful because of what he is doing to other people and I think that it is not a good idea because he could do something wrong.

Monday 12 August 2019

Children of blood and bone chapter 52

“I’ll prove myself to you, to all of you,” Inan declares. “You’re on the right side
of this. My only desire is to stand there as well.”
“Good.” I lean forward to hug him, holding on to his promise.
But when his hands wrap around my back, all I can think of are how his fingers
are resting just above my scars.

A message take from this scene is that Inan wants people to trust him and not go against him.

Do you trust Inan does he deserve another chance

I don't trust Inan because he might go and kill everyone and he does not deserve another chance because of what he might do

Do people in real life deserve another chance yes because they could change their behaviour from bad to good?

Thursday 8 August 2019

Children of blood and bone chapter 49

Strike, Amari.
Father’s voice rings in my head, but it’s not his strength I need.
Be brave, Amari. Binta soothes instead.
Be the Lionaire.

This can be compared to different strengths because people have a lot of different strengths than other people and one strength could be fighting for what is right.

Tuesday 6 August 2019

The power of one

This is my term 2 assessment on The Power of One film

In the Power of One film director  John Advilsen and the scene, we are talking about is ‘Going for a Run’ with P.K and Gideon Duma (1:29). Some of the film techniques used in the scene are pan, long shot, non-diegetic sounds, and facial expressions. These film techniques help the audience show that they mixed the black and whites people and they do not get on well with each other except P.K and Gideon Duma because they are good boxing friends and partners.

In the scene going for a run, the director uses a tracking shot on P.K and Gideon Duma and it shows the line of black people waiting for the toilet 

 On the way to the bus station, they run pass a huge line for the toilet. P.K asks Gideon duma why is there a long line and Gideon duma replies the government only supplies only one toilet for every 200 of us.

The director did this to show the audience how long the line for the toilet is. And how many people are waiting in line?

This helps us understand that P.K wants to know what the huge line is for and why only one toilet for every 200 people. This is where the tracking shot is used because they are running and the camera is moving backward. and shows the long line and shows apartied by the difference between the black and whites. 

This aspect can be compared to Maria’s house because the black people live in little shelters and maria and her family live in a big fancy mansion with 2 or more toilets. We know this because they have different toilets because they have servants and they have to use their toilets.

What am I proud of?

Something I am proud of is I wrote something down for the assessment. Also, I think I am working at the level of year 10 English.

Something I can do next time to improve could describe my examples using more details and I could make links to the wider world or experience.

One thing I enjoyed learning about film was that all country don't have one toilet for every 200 people and only 2% of people in Africa can go to school and learn and they have to live in tiny shelters made out of sheets of metal and wood and other people live in big warm fancy houses.

One thing I found challenging about learning about the film was understanding the start of the film

One thing I learned that I will use the next time I write an essay is to use paragraphs and full sentences.

Thursday 1 August 2019

Children of blood and bone chapter 39

My handshakes. The moment to kill still hangs between us. Yet I can’t bring myself to move.
Not when all I see is the scared and broken girl.
It’s like seeing her for the first time: the human behind the maji. Fear embedded in the pain. A tragedy caused in Father’s name.
The truth sears, a bitter liquor burning down my throat.
Zélie’s memories don’t hold the villains Father always warned of. Only families, he tore apart.

This can be compared to tragedies in real life because they are really bad and people get really hurt and have to go to the hospital to get fixed up. Also, people could die and their family would cry and be sad.

My prediction to the story is that Zelie and Inan are going to rescue Zane and Amari from the badies and there going to rescue them by splitting apart and going there own ways because they won't get captured.

Wednesday 31 July 2019


In health recently we have been learning about Hauora

Hauora is spiritual wellbeing

Hauora means spiritual house if you break the rules then the house will collapse then you will have to rebuild it and its about the 4 dimensions Taha Whanau, Taha wairua, Taha Tinana, and Taha hinengaro

 spiritual Wellbeing means 
Your values and beliefs
The search for meaning and purpose of life
Personal Identity
What you believe in
The way you live

Children of blood and bone chapter 36

“Those are father’s words, Inan. His decisions. Not yours. We are our own people. We make our own choices.”
“But he’s right.” Inan’s voice cracks. “If we don’t stop magic, Orïsha will fall.”
His eyes return to me, and I tighten my grip on my staff. Try it, I want to bark. I’m done running away.
Amari redirects Inan’s line of vision, her delicate hands cupping the back of his head.
“Father is not the future of Orïsha, brother. We are. We stand on the right side of this. You can stand there, too.”
Inan stares at Amari, and for a moment I don’t know who he is. The ruthless captain; the little prince; the scared and broken Maji? There’s a longing in his eyes, a desire to give up the fight. But when he lifts his chin, the killer I know comes back.

This can be compared to the young generation about the choices that the people make now because if they choose the right decision then they will grow up to be good and have a good family or if they choose the wrong decision then they will grow up to be bad and have no family because people would not like them to be in their family.

Tuesday 30 July 2019

Children of blood and bone chapter 33

Gods help us. I close my eyes, trying to drown the tragedy out. Through it all,
the cheers never stop. The praise never ends. As we stand on the platform, the
crowd rejoices as if there’s a reason to celebrate this bloodbath.
Beside me, Tzain holds me close; he hasn’t really let go since he carried me
from the ship. He keeps his expression vacant, but I can sense his remorse.
Though the competitor in him has prevailed, we’re still covered in the blood of
those who have fallen. We may have triumphed, but this is no victory.

This can be compared to keeping a friend of yours safe and you look after them well and if they're hurt you help them out and take them to your house if they are over for the day or you take them into there house and get them cleaned up and heal them.

Monday 29 July 2019

Children of blood and bone chapter 28

Be brave, Amari.
This time I hold onto Binta’s words, wrapping them around my body like a suit
of armor. I can be brave.

This can be compared to dangerous tramping because a lot of people go on dangerous tramping tracks and people walk really close to edges of cliffs and rocks could start to slip. Also they could fall and either hurt themselves really badly or die and they could lose there family and friends.

Children of blood and bone chapter 26

“How long?” she breathes. “How long have you been a maji?”
She hisses the word like it’s a curse. Like I’m the spitting image of Lekan. Not the boy she’s known since birth. The soldier she’s trained for years.
“The girl infected me. It’s not permanent.”
“You’re lying.” Her lips peel back in disgust. “Are you…are you working with her?”
“No! I was looking for clues!” I step forward. “I know where she is–”
“Stay back!” Kaea screams. I freeze, hands in the air. There’s no recognition in her eyes.
Only unbridled fear.

This can be compared to Fighting because people can get caught lying to the police about them fighting, and then they try to get out of the situation and other people talk to the police and say that they were included in the fight.

Friday 26 July 2019


Earlier this week me and my class started to research on boomerangs and why the aboriginals used dots instead of lines or painting it just in one color Today me and my class went out to the field with our boomerangs and we split the class into half and took turns flying the boomerangs and my boomerang flew to the soccer post and touched the ground. and other boomerangs went way past mine because they put more power into there throwing and I put some power into my throwing for the boomerang. My boomerang was red on one side and a crocodile on the other side but I messed the crocodile up and painted over it red so now my boomerang is red on both sides.

Art term 2

This is my research picture of a piece of work from Banksy and Banksy is a famous artist for his work. 

Wednesday 24 July 2019

Home economics

5 ways to keep bacteria away from food

Wash your hands with soap and water (warm or cold) and dry them before handling food.

Wash the place where you are going to work.

Wash the tea towels and dishcloths regularly and dry before using again.

Use separate chopping boards for the correct food like yellow for chicken green for vegetables.

Keep raw meat separate store raw meat on the bottom shelf.

Children of blood and bone chapter 23

Metal gates fly open on the sides of the arena floor, and an endless flow of water rushes in. This has to be a mirage. Yet liter after liter flows in. The water covers the metal ground, crashing with the expanse of a sea.
“How is this possible?” I hiss under my breath, remembering the laborers no more than skin and bone. So many dying for water and they waste it on this?

This can be compared to today's boat races because teams line up at the start and then they race down to the other end and try to bet the other teams and come first and at the end of the race the team that comes first gets gold medals and 2nd gets silver and 3rd gets bronze medals. After each team says good race and then walks away.