
Tuesday 26 March 2019

Seel Paragraph

Why are children used in Labor and how does this take away their Human Rights and Freedom ?

Child Labor is illegal in many countries.In those countries where it goes on children have to work long hours by day or by night for little or no money.They only get basic food and a place to sleep.They work in agriculture, mining, carpet making , brick making , clothes and shoes manufacturing, also in leather tanning and cotton dyeing works.

The agriculture sector includes work in farming, fishing and forestry. The retail and services sector includes work in restaurants and hotels, retail trade, transport and storage. Domestic work includes house-keeping, cooking and childcare in a home environment.

More specifically, hazardous child labor is work in dangerous or unhealthy conditions that could result in a child being killed, or injured or made ill as a consequence of poor safety and health standards and working arrangements. ... Worldwide

Child labor is even happening in modern times it is happening because families don't have enough money to feed there selves or to go to school and learn and study they get sent to work in chains and cuffs all day and all night they don't have food or water they get feed and watered every now and then they sing songs to keep them working.

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