
Tuesday 26 March 2019

Seel Paragraph

Why are children used in Labor and how does this take away their Human Rights and Freedom ?

Child Labor is illegal in many countries.In those countries where it goes on children have to work long hours by day or by night for little or no money.They only get basic food and a place to sleep.They work in agriculture, mining, carpet making , brick making , clothes and shoes manufacturing, also in leather tanning and cotton dyeing works.

The agriculture sector includes work in farming, fishing and forestry. The retail and services sector includes work in restaurants and hotels, retail trade, transport and storage. Domestic work includes house-keeping, cooking and childcare in a home environment.

More specifically, hazardous child labor is work in dangerous or unhealthy conditions that could result in a child being killed, or injured or made ill as a consequence of poor safety and health standards and working arrangements. ... Worldwide

Child labor is even happening in modern times it is happening because families don't have enough money to feed there selves or to go to school and learn and study they get sent to work in chains and cuffs all day and all night they don't have food or water they get feed and watered every now and then they sing songs to keep them working.

Science DNA Extraction

To extract DNA from a kiwi fruit.


First we had to cut a kiwi fruit in half then scoop the half into a snap lock bag and then we mushed a kiwifruit so there were no lumps then we had to pour the  kiwifruit onto a cloth and funnel then drain the liquid into the funnel and let sit for 5 mins then add methanol down the side of the test tube and let sit for mins and then you will see the kiwi fruit DNA float to the top after some time.

Using a spatula scoop 1/2 kiwifruit into bag.Add 25 ml water+ a pinch of salt

Mush until a thick soup

Pour over cloth into funnel into beaker

pour liquid into test tube.Add dish washing liquid+ swirl.Allow to sit for 5 mins.

Tilt test tube on 45 degree angle and slowly pour 10 ml of ethanol down the side

Allow to sit.


In the test tube there is a cloudy yellowish color

Water helped break kiwifruit apart salt helped clump the DNA
Ethanol Helped see it as it sits on top. This helped us find the kiwi fruit DNA
The salt helped the DNA group together and the ethanol helped float it to the top so we could see it

So in the end the experiment was a success because the kiwi fruit DNA floated to the top

Art Shading

In art this year we have been learning how to shade I have done a few pictures and I think they are cool  and i had to draw a picture and then use my finger to shade the pencil into the picture and make the picture dark and light and blend it in

Do I like shading

I sometimes like to shade my pictures I draw and sometimes I do not like to shade my picture's and shading makes them messy sometimes

Have I improved with shading

I think I have improved with my shading over the years

What am I going to work on going forward in pencil drawing in and out of class?

I am going to work on shading and getting better at drawing over the years

Monday 25 March 2019

Seel paragraph

Why are children used in Labor and how does this take away their Human Rights and Freedom ?

Child Labor is illegal in some countries they have to work all day and all night with no sleep or food they get feed every now and then they work in fields,mining,agriculture, carpet making and brick making.

The agriculture sector includes work in farming, fishing and forestry. The retail and services sector includes work in restaurants and hotels, retail trade, transport and storage. Domestic work includes house-keeping, cooking and childcare in a home environment.

More specifically, hazardous child labor is work in dangerous or unhealthy conditions that could result in a child being killed, or injured or made ill as a consequence of poor safety and health standards and working arrangements. ... Worldwide

Child labor is even happening in modern times it is happening because families don't have enough money to feed there selves or to go to school and learn and study they get sent to work in chains and cuffs all day and all night they don't have food or water they get feed and watered every now and then they sing songs to keep them working.

This is my graph on child labor

The bars represent how much children were used in each country  

In social studies we had to create a map here is my map I made. My map shows all the places where child labor happens and when you click on the dots some information pops up saying how much children were used and where the children worked in.

Thursday 21 March 2019

Sonia delaunay

Sonia Delaunay was born on 14 November 1885 and died 5 December 1979 and is 94 years old

Sonia Delaunay was a Ukrainian-born French artist, who spent most of her working life in Paris and, with her husband Robert Delaunay 
Image result for sonia delaunay

Mixed media art

In art we have been doing mixed media art
Mixed media art is when you combine lots of media into a single art work 
Media means art work, pictures, texture's, colours and making our own pictures from magazines.
We have been studying a artist called Micheal Mew and his art work and used him as inspiration 

Thursday 14 March 2019

Show Dont Tell

For English we were given some sentences and we had to put them in show don't tell and here are the sentences and I made them show don't tell in my own sentences

(The buildings were tall)
As I walked through the streets of New York I could not see the tops of the buildings

( Sarah was really upset)
Sarah had blood shot eyes with tears coming down her face

(She was so happy to see him)
She had a bright smiley face and running towards him

( The lake was beautiful)
The sun was shining off the clear bright blue water and it reflected on the trees

The explosion in the huge garage was hot and fiery I could feel a huge breeze coming off. Burning the hairs on my arms and legs.

It was a cold miserable day I was sitting down on a concrete step in the drizzle on the end of a walk way I just broke up with my boyfriend because we were fighting almost every single day.I turned my head around and watched him slowly walk away he never looked back at me and did not say good bye.

It was a dark miserable evening I was with my sister running towards the forest away from a big brown grizzly bear we had a lamp with us to see where we were going we were running so fast we nearly landed in a huge muddy puddle face first but we did not land in it we stopped and went around and then the bear got tired from running after us that it stopped and turned around and walked back the other way we silently walked back with out making a sound because if we did make a sound then  the bear would hear us

It was a noisy evening at the supermarket I was looking up and down the shelves for grocery's I saw a lady. She had black hair and a white jersey on she was looking suspicious I could hear something in my brain saying I think she is going to steal some meat so I looked at her she had meet in her hand and she was about to put it in her black hand bag then all of a sudden she quickly shoved it in and ran off to the exit the alarm went off and then I left my trolley in the store and ran after her and then she got so tired she stopped running and then I grabbed her bag...

I was in a old warehouse converted into a office building for architects it full of light with large opened windows but  it was late in the after noon getting dark my head was sore from designing buildings for people we had calls coming in all day wanting their plans for tomorrow but their plans weren't ready for them.

It was stormy, dusty and hot I was sweating riding my horse all day in the hot roasting sun the sky was covered in a brown dusty dirty color my horse needed water so I hopped off my horse at a old scary building and tied him up to a post and gave him a bucket of water.


In English I have learned show don't tell in writing stories. Show don't tell means you have to show the reader what your talking about and not tell them you have to use words about the picture and describe. I  used the senses taste, smell, sight, touch and hear.

The activities I got done were the first two Show don't tell and writing your own sentence starters I liked the sentence starters because I got to make my own starters for sentences using the 5 senses

The styles that worked for me were working by my self 

Friday 8 March 2019

What is arthritis

Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints. It can affect one joint or multiple joints there are more than 100 different forms of arthritis and related diseases. The most common types include osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

Wednesday 6 March 2019