
Thursday 29 March 2018

Distillation of coke

Aim To get pure water from coke

Method we set up the equipment like this


In the conical flask there is coke and it boils and turns into water vapour
and then turns into like tar thick black stuff

In the boiling tube is the water from the coke.

Friday 23 March 2018

Writing Narratives

One day on a sunday evening a fancy car and truck were driving on the road past a school called Templeton Primary the driver to the car fell asleep and he was the only person in the car all of a sudden the car started to go side to side when a big rig was driving past CRASH,BOOM they both smashed into each other and the truck continued on and smashed right into Templeton school.The driver of the rig and car hopped out and had a look at the damage to their vehicles when they had a look they called the police to come and look at the accident then they called a tow truck and a crane to come help they eventually got the truck and car out of the wreck and got towed away to get destroyed the crusher sounded like thunder when it came down to squash the truck and car.When the wreck of the truck and car was squashed they got pulled out by a forklift and put on a big pile of other squashed cars mean while the police called some builders to come out in their own sunday evening to board up  the damage to the classroom.Next morning the builders came with all their tools and wood to fix the classroom properly first they had to pull down the boards and pull of the broken pieces of wood then get new pieces and cut them down to the fantastic size and put it in with a nail and fix all the other sids that were smashed by the accident It took the builders till lunch to finish the job when they had packed up they went away and drove to another place where they were needed.Tuesday morning the school children were able to use the classroom to learn and play games because the classroom was bigger and extremely more expensive than the rest of the school.

This Is my narrative about a traffic accident

3 things about me

I build models out of meccano           
I swim in the pool
I have two brothers
The greatest showman
Image result for dj noiz

Observations of a burning candle

1 The tip of the wick has an orange glow

2 The wax becomes liquid

3 The wax is clear when it melts

4 The tip turns black from white

5 The wick has bent

6 The flame at the bottom is blue

7 The shape of the flame is pyramid with a rounded top

8 The unmelted wax is opaque


                                                                                               On my shield I shared my dreams and                                                                                                     family and the things I like to do everything on my shield is what I like to do  or what I enjoy after school


1. What did you share about yourself in class ?

I shared what I like to do like building at home after school
This is meccano and I like to build with it
In my shield I Shared about my family

My Mum
My Dad
My Brother Alex
My Brother Sam

I also shared in my shield about my dream to drive a truck and a digger and dig a deep hole and jump into it.This is the link to view my shield

My shield

2. Was there anything you felt difficult to share? Why?

I didn't not find anything that is difficult to share about because I like sharing about myself.

3.What did you learn about the characteristics of a Good Friend ?

To me a good friend is someone who is respectful, not angry.

Here is the link to view my poem about friendship.

My friendship poem_

What friendship characteristics were the most important to the class


3 Types of Behaviour


aggressive behaviors are those that are hostile and violate others rights

verbal or physical
threats or action


passive behaviours is avoiding the problem and letting others be disrespectful to you

not saying anything
letting the other person get their own way all the time

Standing up for your rights whilst respecting the rights of other is about communicating your own wants/needs whilst also acknowledging the wants/needs of others.

Strategies for being assertive.

Know your priorities

E.G having a loud voice

Eye contact
E.G looking at the person on  the nose or forehead

Body language/posture
E.G standing up tall and not bent over and being confidence

E.G speaking clearly and confidently

I statements

E.G I feel like being cool
E.G I like ....

Small victories
Feeling good about yourself

The eyes in the painting followed me down the corridor

The eyes in the painting followed me down the corridor  and I did not know they were watching me.Then I entered a room and the eyes popped out of the painting and bounced into another painting in my room and I stared at the painting and it gave me an idea of what to do so I left the room and shut the door behind me I went down stairs and and entered the garage and got the lawn mower out and mowed the lawns but I saw a pair of eyes and up stairs and they were watching me so i ran up stairs and went to that room but I could not see them anywhere I looked at the painting and the eyes did not blink and next I looked in the wardrobe and no sign of them anywhere

It was the day the moon fell

It was the day the moon fell to the ground. One day it was dark and stormy everybody was in there beds watching tv or asleep.The people in their bedrooms could here the wind blowing outside there bedroom all of a sudden the moon fell to the ground and it was pitch dark nobody could see anything and hit the ground hard and and the street lights went out and the cars and trucks slammed there brakes on and and hoped outside to take a photo of the moon on the ground.The thingy thing that made the moon fall was a giants  tractor because he tried to drive his tractor on the moon.

The adventures of mecha turtle

Mecha turtle rustled through the grass with grace and ease.His name is ninja frank then  he was walking very very slow and he eventually ended up at the footpath.People walked past him and nearly squashed flat because they were not watching where they were going.So he tried to follow them to where they were going and when they got there Ninja Frank opened up his shell and his leg stretched inside to pick something up and he placed it down on the door mat.Then  knocked on the door and hid around the corner of the house til the person picked the parcel up and opened it then when it was open a green gas came out.They were slowly dying when they fall ninja frank walked inside and shut the door then he opened his jaw and man he had large sharp metal teeth.Next swallowed the persson hole he walked out the back and opened the back of his shell and popped it out in one large pile.Then turned into a gorilla and started to destroy the city and police came to shoot him but he was bulletproof so they tied him down but he was to strong for the police.

Monday 19 March 2018

Dilutions From A Dissolved Crystal

My aim was to do the experiment correctly

 what we needed was a test tube rack 6 test tubes a tiny crystal most likely purple so you can see it best a syringe and a measuring cylinder

In science today me and my friends did an experiment. In the experiment we dissolved a tiny crystal in water. The crystal made the water turn purple we filled the first one with 10 litres of water and the others with 5 litres the way we measure was with a measuring cylinder.
we put the crystal in the first one and we shook it for about 2 minutes then we used a syringe to pick up 5 and put it in the next one then we shook the tube for five seconds then we repeated what we did in the second tube with to all the others.

Monday 12 March 2018


Migration definition

Movement from one part to another and a seasonal movement of animals from one region to another region


Time warp

Time warp

I would like to do the sound and the the song time warp is cool and my classroom is doing the song for drama.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Image result for paterson art

The texture and the style

The patterns and the style and the colour

Monday 5 March 2018

seel paragraph

S  Statement = reflects the question/topic.starts it off It may have some classification in it

E  Explain = where you write the why  part must use because to show you are explaining

E  Example =show you can apply the real world to the explanation

L  Link =ties the paragraph back to the starting statement or takes you to the next paragraph