
Monday 20 May 2019

Social Studies Writing Draft

My name is Little Einstein I am 20 years old. My job is a chimney cleaner. I live in London I have hardly any friends. There are no cars or traffic. It is very quiet where I live I am going for a walk around my neighborhood. I look at shop windows and other buildings where I see a poster about if you want to migrate to New Zealand to get another job. So I packed my things up and walked down to the wharf. Because a new virus is spreading really fast. It is called Typhus it is a really horrible disease it can make you so sick that you could die. This is why I've decided to migrate to New Zealand, For a better life and a better job and more money.

So I am sitting on the ship looking out to the sea feeling the waves crash against the ship. I am starting to feel seasick I sit outside and feel the breeze on my face and I start to feel cold but better. I think about going inside as the weather has turned dark and stormy and I can feel the splash of the waves flicking on my face. In my mind, I am hoping that New Zealand is warm and dry and I am going to enjoy my life there and make new friends. I can't wait for this journey to finish as it is only day 30 of 120 and its all starting to drag on. I keep telling my mind that the journey is only a little part of my new life so I can handle it and get over it. At least the sea sickness has ended. At last, we spot land ahead. They tell us it is our new homeland. I am feeling delighted about touching my feet on land again.

The weather has put on a good display for us. It's warm, sunny and dry ( amazing after what we have come from)

I have now been in New Zealand for a month I was lucky to get a job almost straight away working in a hardware shop selling things to people like gold miners, blacksmiths and house builders. The job was advertised in the shop window. I now have some money to move into warm and comfortable lodgings with a widow lady as I was obliged to doss down with a whole lot of other people in a church hall when I first arrived. I made, however, my first friends from this experience, but my new landlady has, I note, a very pretty daughter of my own age seemed to look favorably on me when we first met. So perhaps something special will come of this in the future, who knows!? Apart from this, I love this country with it's pure air, good food, open spaces, splendid bushes and mountains and great possibilities to get on in life something not possible in the life I left behind I even think I will be able to save some money to buy my own house one day, and for me this is very exciting perhaps even I might be able to start my own business. So I go to work and earn money to get paid and then when I get paid I save the money up until I have enough to buy my own house.


  1. Hi Nathan, reading your piece I realised how straight to the point it is. I acknowledge why you may have done this but a writing piece doesn't always have to be information, it pressures a reader to take all of it in straight away.The information you give about your character and their environment should be more spaced out as to keep the reader there so they can want more information, but not get it out of your piece right away. You also talk about cars and traffic, cars are not even existent at this point, so why talk about them? Maybe next time you could talk more about what family Little Einstein has and what prevented him from leaving England?


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