
Thursday 30 May 2019

Making Indicators

Aim To make acid-base indicators using tea

Bunsen burner
Gauze mat
Three bags of tea
Fireproof mat


Put 100ml of water into a beaker and boil.
Turn off the bunsen burner and put three tea bags in the beaker.
Remove the tea bags when the tea is very strong
Place in a small beaker and leave to one side

In science yesterday my class were making indicators from different vegetables and tea bags me and my buddy luke were doing the tea bags and the rest of the class were doing the other things.

Our tea bag changed different colors from dark brown to light brown the chemicals we used to change the colors were hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide. The hydrochloric acid made the tea dark brown and the sodium hydroxide made the tea light brown


Our conclusion was to change the color of the tea dark and light we did not succeed because the color was meant to be yellow I think we added too much hydrochloric acid to the tea.

Making salts 2

Aim To produce copper sulfate by reacting copper oxide with an acid.


Add 2oml of sulfuric acid to a 100 ml beaker. Heat the acid until it reaches 70 c. Turn off your bunsen burner.

Once heated use a spatula to add pea-sized portions of copper oxide to the beaker stir the mixture for 30 seconds.

Repeat step 2 until no more will dissolve. Allow the beaker to cool.

Fold the filter paper and place it in the funnel. Place the filter funnel into the second beaker.

Make sure the beaker is cool enough to hold at the top. The contents should still be hot. You may need your teacher to complete this step.

Gently swirl the contents of the beaker to mix and then our into the filter paper in the funnel. Allow to filter through.

Rince the beaker you used to heat the mixture previously and place it back on top of your tripod with 50-60 ml of water.

Place the evaporating basin on top of the beaker and carefully pour some of the solutions from the beaker into the evaporating basin.

Gently heat the beaker until the solution in the evaporating basin has reduced by half.

Leave the evaporating basin to cool. Once cool, move the evaporating basin to a warm place where it will not be disturbed ( i.e a window sill) and observe over the next few days. Blue copper sulfate crystals should form.

Our results were good but we did not get enough time to boil it properly and we still have a tiny bit of liquid left and there are little diamond crystals in the evaporating basin.

This is me and my buddy's salt creation

This is what another group got from there salt creation.
Which was better than ours because there's boiled longer than ours.


After we boiled the solution we left the basin sitting on the bench overnight and came back the next day the crystals started to appear but we still have liquid left in the basin because we did not have enough time to boil it for all the liquid to disappear


Did we manage to make lots of diamond crystals by boiling 

No, we did not because we started the experiment a bit late and we did not have enough time to boil the solution long enough for the liquid to dissolve.

Wednesday 22 May 2019

The Power Of One

In English class, we have been learning how to write sexxy paragraphs as part of a film study on The Power of One. I worked on it with my buddy Luke. Here is our work.

In the sergeant Borman scene, the director uses the aspect of a long shot. The director uses a long shot we see the guard's legs and a baton that is either on a belt or in his hand and we see P.K, Doc and Geel Piet standing in a doorway looking at the guard. The director uses the long shot to make the scene scarier because the guard looks more intimidating. The audience feels more worried about Geel Piet because the guard might beat him. The long shot makes him look more intimidating.


Image result for the power of one

Monday 20 May 2019

Social Studies Writing Draft

My name is Little Einstein I am 20 years old. My job is a chimney cleaner. I live in London I have hardly any friends. There are no cars or traffic. It is very quiet where I live I am going for a walk around my neighborhood. I look at shop windows and other buildings where I see a poster about if you want to migrate to New Zealand to get another job. So I packed my things up and walked down to the wharf. Because a new virus is spreading really fast. It is called Typhus it is a really horrible disease it can make you so sick that you could die. This is why I've decided to migrate to New Zealand, For a better life and a better job and more money.

So I am sitting on the ship looking out to the sea feeling the waves crash against the ship. I am starting to feel seasick I sit outside and feel the breeze on my face and I start to feel cold but better. I think about going inside as the weather has turned dark and stormy and I can feel the splash of the waves flicking on my face. In my mind, I am hoping that New Zealand is warm and dry and I am going to enjoy my life there and make new friends. I can't wait for this journey to finish as it is only day 30 of 120 and its all starting to drag on. I keep telling my mind that the journey is only a little part of my new life so I can handle it and get over it. At least the sea sickness has ended. At last, we spot land ahead. They tell us it is our new homeland. I am feeling delighted about touching my feet on land again.

The weather has put on a good display for us. It's warm, sunny and dry ( amazing after what we have come from)

I have now been in New Zealand for a month I was lucky to get a job almost straight away working in a hardware shop selling things to people like gold miners, blacksmiths and house builders. The job was advertised in the shop window. I now have some money to move into warm and comfortable lodgings with a widow lady as I was obliged to doss down with a whole lot of other people in a church hall when I first arrived. I made, however, my first friends from this experience, but my new landlady has, I note, a very pretty daughter of my own age seemed to look favorably on me when we first met. So perhaps something special will come of this in the future, who knows!? Apart from this, I love this country with it's pure air, good food, open spaces, splendid bushes and mountains and great possibilities to get on in life something not possible in the life I left behind I even think I will be able to save some money to buy my own house one day, and for me this is very exciting perhaps even I might be able to start my own business. So I go to work and earn money to get paid and then when I get paid I save the money up until I have enough to buy my own house.


Question 1 On a scale of 1-10 rate yourself on how well you participated in the floor hockey lesson on Tuesday.

I think I got 8 out of 10 because i tried to hit the ball through the gate as much as I could.I think I did well at this part.

Question 2 
Why did you rate yourself that way give 3 reasons for your rating

tried to get it through the gate as much as i could and I tried really hard. 

Question 3 
What skills do you think you did well E.G passing dribbling shooting encouraging teammates
 trying your best ?
Some of the skills I think I did well were Passing, Talking to my team mates. 

Question 4 What skills did you use to pass and dribble the ball ?
Some of the skills I used were.
Passing skills.
Communication with my team. 

Question 5 
What do you think you need to improve on in today's lesson once you have chosen a skill or strategy to improve give 2 ways you will do that in PE today ?
I think I could have more control over the ball and practice more dribbling by slowing my dribbling down for more control over the ball.


AIM: In science today we were making model atoms


To make these we needed
Blue Tac


The method was first we got some scrap pieces of paper and cut two circles then we got a piece of string and some beads then we put  blue tac around the beads to join them together around the string then put the string around the paper and then that was it done

Discussion: There are three types of particles 

Electrons have a negative charge
Protons have a positive charge
Neutrons have no charge   

Image result for three types of particles                                                                       

You find  electrons on the outside of a nucleus atom
you find neutrons on the inside of a nucleus  atom
you find protons on the inside of a nucleus atom

Wednesday 15 May 2019

wood technology 2019

last week we started to plan it on a piece of paper and we are waiting for the timber to arrive then we can start drawing it onto the piece of wood and cut it out eventually on my wooden stool I might add a shelf or some patterns on the end.

So far in wood tech this year we have made a Maori necklace and a tool box and a boomerang we have started to make a wooden stool which can be used around the house

Image result for wooden stool