
Friday 7 December 2018

Why do we have to go to school

Compulsory education laws require children to attend a public or state-accredited private school for a certain period of time. There are certain exceptions, most notably homeschooling, but virtually all states have mandates for when children must begin school and how old they must be before dropping out.

Monday 3 December 2018

String art

In the last few lessons I have been making a string art picture using wool and the picture is a car. First I had to find a picture of a car and then find a piece of wood to draw it onto and then nail the picture onto the wood and nail all around it then pull the paper off.Then tie the end of the wool onto any nail and rap it around all the nails until the end and do two or three layers.

Wednesday 14 November 2018

Making a balancing toy

In metal this term my class and I made a balancing toy and the first step was to cut the metal to the right size and then drill the holes for the poles to go into and then we had to file the poles clean until they had fit into the holes in the base.Then we had to weld them onto the base and clean the black off the bottom from the welding and after we had to design our balancing toy first I had a arrow but i cut the corner off with the machine so then I had to start another balancing toy and I had to not cut the metal because it was already in the right shape so I had to file it and clean it until it was clean and shiny.

Did I finish my balancing toy

Yes I did finish my balancing toy on time because I did not muck around and I got on with my work and I got to take it home with me after I spray painted it red and black

What did I learn

I learned how to weld and use the electric drill in metal this term it was my first time welding.

What was a challenge

The challenge I had was to get the metal clean and the noise because some people were loud and it was distracting .

Did I weld

Yes I did weld I had to weld the pieces of metal together so they would not come apart and if they were not welded they would just come apart and the balancing toy would not work properly and I have not welded before.

What did I think of welding

I thought welding was fun because we got to hold the welding torch and we got to see our metal get hot and and we had this special rod which melted and it went around the metal and turned hard  then we had to put it in a bucket full of water and the metal made a sizzling sound when the cold water hit the metal then we had to put our hand in the water and pull the metal out and clean it.

What have I got better at

Moving away from Luke and Levi when they start to get annoying and using the welding torch.

Monday 12 November 2018

Pasion projects

Today we just started out a multi day project called passion projects.Hornby high students are asked to select a project based on their passions.Which includes Outdoor education,Music,maths and countless others.I have been put under maths craft and in it I learned about how to make mobius strips and menger sponge

We swisted paper and we glued the paper ends together and we cut them in half and and they joined together

Thursday 1 November 2018

Fat freddys drop

For music we had had given a famous New Zealand  musician or band and i got given Fat Freddy's Drop I have put my slide on my blog so people can read about them and i have found info about them and when they are traveling the world.

Thursday 25 October 2018


What have I learned over this term ? 

During term 3 in Music, we have been learning on  how to make an advertisement about Hornby. I was assigned in The Hub group together with Luke, Mijji, and Memory.  I have learnt how to write a business letter to a company called the Hub Hornby asking for  permission if we could film in that space for a competition.The letter has to be formal and saying why you want permission to film and and who is the right person to contact for permission 

What challenges did we have and how did we overcome them 

The challenges we had were filming the sign of The Hub because cars and people were walking in front of where we were filming so we decided not to do this part.Next , we  also filmed on the escalator . Other people were using the escalator so we had to wait before we could film. 

Here is the video at the end 

What would we do differently and why

Friday 19 October 2018


Carbohydrates is important to me because it gives me energy to keep moving and to be active

Friday 21 September 2018

What is the fair trading act

What is the Fair Trading Act?

The Fair Trading Act  protects you against being misled or treated unfairly by traders or shops.


  1. What is the Fair Trading Act?
To protect yourself  when you have bought something from shopping
like a bike and it broke and you took it back to get a replace or fixed.

  1. What is the commerce commission’s goal?
  2. Whether you are buying goods or services in a shop, online, over the phone, or signing up to a consumer loan, you have rights.
  1. Who besides the commission is responsible for the act and can take their own legal action?

  1. Who are the two types of groups the act applies to?

Understand your compliance obligations

  1. What do the acts apply to?
  2. business
  3. Does it only apply if you intend to deceive?  Explain?
  4. no
  5. Whose ‘shoes’ must the business put themselves into?
  6. there own shoes
  1. What is the commission empowered to do?
    to be the boos of that company

Reporting a business

  1. If you need to report a business, how do you do this?

The police

Know your Rights

Go to the bottom of the page and make a copy of the ‘Know your Rights Fact Sheet”

Copy the link to your blog, make a title saying “Know your rights” and write a paragraph
saying why it is important to know your rights.  Use SEEL paragraph writing
(Statement, Explanation, Example, Link)

Thursday 13 September 2018

The Worlds Worst Children

The terrible triplets

ONCE UPON A TIME, there was a set of terrible triplets.Their names were Tom,Dick and Harry.Sometimes when you have sets of triplets you have a mixture of nice ones and naughty ones.All three of these triplets were naughty.Tom,Dick and Harry had been born just moments apart,fighting their way out of the womb,trying to elbow each other aside to see who could be first.You see, all three of them wanted to be top dog.As a result,the best at something.These being three of the world's worst children,they wanted to be the best at bad things only.Very bad things.When they were babies,Tom,Dick and Harry would battle over who could bawl the loudest...AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" Break their toys the fastest...Bash! chew through the bars in their cot first...MUNCH! Create the most mess on the walls with their crayons...HA! HA! soak their poor mother with the most water spat from the bath SPLOSH! Flick their baby food the furthest...SPLAT! Wipe the most dirt from their hands on to the curtain WIPE ! Guzzle down the most milk...GUZZLE! Do the smelliest burps...BURP ! leave the biggest deposit in their nappy...When they were toddlers,the triplets would tussle over who could: Go fastest in the trolley down the supermarket aisles,and knock over the largest number of old ladies WHIZ Z ! Burst other children's balloons at the funfair with a drawing pin and make them cry... POP ! overfeed their goldfishes so they were bigger than their bowl's...BLEURGH!'' Do the smelliest blow offs while sitting on father Christmas's knee...poooooooooooh ! Build the rudest snowman.This was all about where you placed the carrot...TEE-HEE ! Spoil story time by eating as many of the books as they could CRUNCH ! lam the piano lid down the hardest on their nursery teacher's fingers when it was singsong time...TWONG ! ouch ! Ruin another child's birthday party the quickest ... This might be by cheating at all the party games opening all their presents or stuffing the whole  birthday cake in their mouths,candles and all Nooooooooooooooo ! play the worst tricks on their father.Tom put his father's underpants in the deep freeze so when he put them on his bottom turned blue AH ! Dick swapped his father's hair gel with glue so his comb became stuck to his head GLOOP ! Harry switched his parents bed for a trampoline so when his father jumped on it he bounced right up to the ceiling and ended up clinging to the light shade HELP ! When Tom,Dick and Harry started at school,the scraps became fiercer still.They would fight over who could SNEEZE the loudest during tests when everyone had to be silent AAATISSSHHOOOO ! ATISHOO! AATISHHHOOO ! Hurl jellies the longest distance in the school canteen SPLAT ! Spray their pee furthest from the toilet bowl Harry manged ten meters... HOORAY ! Boot the ball the hardest at the PE teacher as he refereed a football match OOF ! Write the crudest thing on the school bus window... Get in the biggest trouble on the school trip to the local pantomime by catapulting toffees at the window twankey... OUCH ! Ruin the Christmas carol concert by making monkey noises instead of singing... OOH OOH Cover the art teacher in the most clay when making a pot on the potter's wheel...SPLAT ! make the biggest explosion in science class... Tie the most children's laces together on the start line of a running race so they tripped over KABOOM ! whenever this trio did something cruel to others they would laugh.Not a nice happy laugh but a mean mocking laugh as you can imagine because they were always competing for who could be the worst of the worst these terrible triplets had upset absolutely everyone with whom they'd ever come in contact .And many more besides.As they grew up Tom,Dick and Harry spent their time desperately trying to outdo each other with their grossness.Tom took to eating his own earwax.He would spend all day and night with his little fingers in his ears,digging the smelly yellow putty out.Tom slept on the top bunk in the bedroom SHUT UP AND LOOK AT ME ! he would shout down.Then to Dick and Harry's horror and delight he would eat the earwax even though it tasted like licking a rusty climbing frame. Dick was not to be outdone.He took to sticking his fingers up his nose and rooting out the biggest stickiest bogeys he could find stuck up there.The boy would stick the bogeys to each other until he had what looked like a huge green icicle Then he would shout from the middle bunk  SHUT UP AND LOOK AT  ME ! When he had his brothers attention he would then proceed to suck on the icicle which tasted like a rotten cabbage lolly.Down on the bottom bunk,Harry was feeling a little left out.How could he outdo the other two? Harry had a belly button that was always full of fluff.Sweaty,manky,disgusting balls of who knew what. As soon as he'd plucked the revolting globule out of his belly button he shouted... SHUT UP AND LOOK AT ME ! The fluff tasted like something you might find at the bottom of a deep and dirty bog.In a word yuck some.

Monday 20 August 2018


Hi guys for social studies we had to get into groups and decide what we wanted to do and Me,Levi and Luke went as a group and we did matariki and we had to make a video about matariki and what it means and the first time we did this we did not record our faces and the second time we recorded we recorded our faces so I hope we did a good job and I hope you enjoy.The sites I used were google

Year 9 Home Economics

In cooking first we had made savoury bread cases.
 I was in a group with Levi and Luke.

first we had to wash our hands and put the aprons on
cut the crusts off the bread
butter the bread lightly
put the butter side of the bread facing down into a muffin tray
fill the bread cases with what we liked to have in there I had cheese and ham
then put them in the oven for 15 minutes until cooked
then we had to wash the dishes
 then lastly we ate the food

Second we made stir fry chicken
first we had to wash our hands put the aprons on
get the things we need to make the chicken stir fry
first get the ingredients
cut the chicken into strips and cut everything else you want that is big
pre heat the stove put oil in the pan then the chicken in and cook it  till a hot chick


Bacteria needs food,warmth,oxygen,moisture.neutral ph levels  and time to grow. Bacteria can be good and can be bad if you take out meat of the fridge in the morning and then you come home to cook it for tea it will have bacteria on it and you can get food poisoning.
Every twenty minutes the bacteria double's and spreads when it has the right conditions

There are 2 ways to stop bacteria growing bigger one of the ways to stop it growing  is put the food on a tray and put it in the fridge and cover it in glad rap or a air tight container.

The other way is to keep your meat in the freezer and the bacteria goes to sleep and when the meat is out of the freezer the bacteria unfreezes and can breath and double if not keep't in the right

3 cups plain flour
6 teaspoons Baking Powder
¼ teaspoon salt
75g butter

1 to 1 ½ cups milk

What went well on Friday ?On friday we made cheese scones and the thing that went well was we worked as a group to mix the butter
What needs to be improved the time ?Because we worked through half of lunch time and had half a lunch break, we need to work faster and on time
My Word Art tells us what do we need to be doing in the kitchen in regards

of hygiene and safety and the .roles and responsibility of my self and group members

What was something we learned?
not to put flour on each other and how to make scones

What is the importance of food temperature .
(in Celsius)

100 boiling point
80 reheating temp
75 internal temp of chicken and foods
60 danger zone
37 optimal growth for bacteria

Bacteria grow most rapidly in the range of temperatures between 4 and 60
doubling in numbers in as little as 20 minutes This range of temperatures is often called
the danger zone thats why the meat and poultry hotline advises consumers to never leave food out of
refrigeration over 2 hours
If the temperature is above 90( degrees Fahrenheit ) food should not be left out more than 1 hour.


What are the two types of carbohydrates

The two main types of cho  are simple and complex.
Simple carbohydrate gives you a short burst of energy and the energy lasts for 30 minutes prior to sport .Complex carboyhydrate gives you a longer burst of energy which lasts for longer .

What are the five sources of simple carbohydrates ?

soy products

What are the five sources of complex
Oat meal
Brown rice
Sweet potatoes
Whole wheat bread

Why are pita pockets a good source of carbohydrates
because it gives us a lot of energy which lasts for longer and it does not run out as fast as simple carbohydrates.

Monday 13 August 2018

Forrest Gordon clark

A 51-year-old man who is accused of making the threat, "This place will burn," for over three years has been arrested and charged with starting the so-called "Holy Fire," causing nearly 10,000 acres to burn and 20,000 people to be placed under evacuation orders at Cleveland National Forest in Southern California.
The arrest was made as more than a dozen blazes across the state continue to endanger the lives of thousands, including hundreds of firefighters and first responders working around the clock.
One, the Mendocino Complex Fire, is the largest wildfire in California history. Yosemite National Park has been closed "indefinitely" because of smoke from another fire.

Monday 30 July 2018

10 things to make a catchy title

Here is my list of 10 things to make a catchy title for a jingle

What am I learning ?
I am learning how to make a jingle catchy. I found out how to make it catchy by making it rhyme and Fit with your product you are advertising

 Here are my four ads


How does this work show my learning
I showed my learning by reading and searching on how to make a catchy jingle. I learned that to make a catchy jingle you make it  rhyme and fit with your product you are advertising.

What am I wondering?
I am wondering how long does it take to make a jingle and how hard is it to make a jingle.

Monday 2 July 2018

Why did walt disney freeze himself

Walt disney chose to freeze himself because he had bad health and he would die soon.He eventually died and he wanted his body to be frozen and they kept it and they are going to open the human Popsicle in 2025

Boring drama

  1. What I have learned about performance skills.
  2. What I have learned about performance skills is, you have to be loud and brave and confident and not talk quiet.Then learn your lines and say them out loud to practise lots of times.

  3. What evidence do I have of how I improved my performance skills
  1. The evidence I have of how I improved my performance skills is
  2. I have got better at reading my lines louder and slower.

  3. What do you know about performing art jobs
  4. I know that the jobs in performing arts are Lighting tech and sound tech, stage set up.There are different types of performing arts you can do like Musical,Stand up comedian and plays.

  1. What I am wondering about performing arts is...
  2. I wonder if i will be doing drama next year or if we get to choose to do drama or not.

In Christchurch we have several performing arts companies and venues
  1. Court Theatre
  2. Imagine Youth Theatre
  3. Showbiz
  4. Isaac Theatre Royal
  5. The Piano
  6. Town Hall
  7. Riccarton Players

What kind of shows do they have?
The shows court theatre is that they perform live in a small audience and not a lot of people performing on stage.

The showbiz does shows live shows and musicals in front of a big audience and there are lots of people performing on stage all at once .

Friday 22 June 2018

The dodo bird

My curiosity this week is the dodo bird.

The dodo bird is worth over 6 hundred thousand
The dodo bird is flightless
The dodo bird was once called the wallow bird
The dodo bird came extinct before 1660
The closest relative to the dodo bird is nicobar pigeon
The dodo bird does not taste like chicken
The dodo bird laid one egg at a time
The dodo bird lived on the island of mauritius

The dodo bird has been extinct for over 300 hundred years

Friday 25 May 2018

I wonder Why a japanese spider crab gets so big?

The Japanese spider crab is one of the largest crab  in the ocean.There leg span is 3.8 metres 12 ft and their body grows up to 40 cm wide.Japanese spider crabs can live to 100 years old.It  takes between 54 and 72 days at 12–15 °C  for it to grow.

Tuesday 22 May 2018

Friday 11 May 2018

cat meme

This is this cat
This is is cat
This is how cat
This is to cat
This is keep cat
This is an cat
This is idiot cat
This is busy cat
This is for cat
This is forty cat
This is seconds cat

Now go back and read the third word

only in each line from the start


Hunger is not good for you
Hunger makes you hungry and angry
Hunger makes you sad

Rugby is a sport
Sports are not good to play

Sports are fun

number haiku







Monday 7 May 2018


The little kiwi 

The story is about a kiwi who gets everyone to follow her because she heard something.

The story is written for children aged 3 to 7.

The main idea of the story was the little kiwi heard a noise and she ask her friends to help her but they told her to go back to sleep but decided to follow her and ended up at the beach.Then the friends saw the matariki stars and then that meant it was the start of the maori new year and then they had there own celebration.

My favourite bit of the story was when the kiwi's friends helped her.

If I had to perform it on stage it would look like the book with humans dressed as animals.
and i have done a piktochart about matariki.

Monday 30 April 2018

When we did the chromatography first we had to cut pieces of paper and put a dot of colour on the paper close to the bottom and dip it into the liquid and watch it expand and grow towards the top there were 9 pieces of paper and each of them had different colours

We used acetone for the permanent marker colours
we used meths/water for the felt pen markers colours
We mixed up our colors so we don't know what ones are felt pen and what ones are permanent marker

Anzac The Great War

We played games to practise skills Example sneak up granny/freeze and fucus.We also played duck duck goose our skills were focusing and speed and concentration

our slide link to devising

Friday 13 April 2018


                    lighting for performances 

What have I learnt ?
I have learnt that musicals are based on stories and costumes are not that important. 

How does this work show my learning?
I showed my learning by doing the lights 

What did I find challenging?
I did not perform on stage but I did I the lighting for each performance and I found lighting practise a little bit hard

What would I do different next time I do this ?
lighting and smoke machine 

What did I enjoy?
The thing I enjoyed was doing the lights and watching the plays other classes made and I enjoyed Flynn doing the backflip

What am I wondering? 
How to load the board 
Why is lighting important

What was it like performing on the day? 
Well as I say I did not perform on the day because I had the light board to operate and do the lights for each performance I felt awesome

Thursday 29 March 2018

Distillation of coke

Aim To get pure water from coke

Method we set up the equipment like this


In the conical flask there is coke and it boils and turns into water vapour
and then turns into like tar thick black stuff

In the boiling tube is the water from the coke.

Friday 23 March 2018

Writing Narratives

One day on a sunday evening a fancy car and truck were driving on the road past a school called Templeton Primary the driver to the car fell asleep and he was the only person in the car all of a sudden the car started to go side to side when a big rig was driving past CRASH,BOOM they both smashed into each other and the truck continued on and smashed right into Templeton school.The driver of the rig and car hopped out and had a look at the damage to their vehicles when they had a look they called the police to come and look at the accident then they called a tow truck and a crane to come help they eventually got the truck and car out of the wreck and got towed away to get destroyed the crusher sounded like thunder when it came down to squash the truck and car.When the wreck of the truck and car was squashed they got pulled out by a forklift and put on a big pile of other squashed cars mean while the police called some builders to come out in their own sunday evening to board up  the damage to the classroom.Next morning the builders came with all their tools and wood to fix the classroom properly first they had to pull down the boards and pull of the broken pieces of wood then get new pieces and cut them down to the fantastic size and put it in with a nail and fix all the other sids that were smashed by the accident It took the builders till lunch to finish the job when they had packed up they went away and drove to another place where they were needed.Tuesday morning the school children were able to use the classroom to learn and play games because the classroom was bigger and extremely more expensive than the rest of the school.

This Is my narrative about a traffic accident

3 things about me

I build models out of meccano           
I swim in the pool
I have two brothers
The greatest showman
Image result for dj noiz