
Wednesday 10 April 2019

Why are children used in war and how does this take away their Human Rights and Freedom ?

Children in Afghanistan are sent to spy and are also  messengers. There are 300,000 child soldiers in over 20 countries world wide they go into people's houses and kill other children's parents and then they take the children to somewhere like a base and brainwash the children then send them out with guns and kill other children parents and bring there children back and brainwash them.There is about 20% of children working for there priorities and there family's priorities.The jobs that are included are suicide bombers, Human shields, Messenger's, Spies, fighters and cook's  Child soldiers have lost there freedom because they don't have the human right's  to be kids and to do things kids enjoy to do in there own time

Friday 5 April 2019

Here is my map on child soldiers all over the world

We made a map on child soldiers because there are a lot of children all over the world doing child soldiers and they have there own guns

Tuesday 2 April 2019


What is cloning ?

Cloning is when A skin cell containing all 46 chromosomes is taken from any one then an egg cell containing only 23 chromosomes is taken from a donor. Then the nuclei are removed from both cells the nucleus from any one cell containing all 46 chromosomes is inserted into the donor egg cell. The egg cell now contains all the instructions to make Albert Einstein the egg cell is surgically inserted into the donor's womb 9 months later, a baby is born that is a perfect genetic clone of Albert Einstein.

Cloning technology should be used to replicate endangered animals, such as the kiwi, and to bring extinct animals, such as the moa, back to life. Humans are responsible for making them endangered or extinct so we should use our technology to bring them back to life.

I agree because it could bring extinct animals back to life to have more animals living

Cloning technology should be used to staff our armies.If they were cloned from anonymous donors then they wouldn't have real parents.This means if they were killed in battle it wouldn't matter as much compared to the loss of a normal human soldier one with parents.

I agree because the clones could fight for us and our armies would not have to go out to war and sacrifice there own lives for us.

Cloning technology should be used to replicate a child which is dying of a terminal disease.Especially if they are an only child.

disagree because if you made more then they could be a little devil and be a naughty demon making trouble  

Hundreds of people die each year waiting for organs to be donated for transplanting.We should use cloning technology to produce humans which we could then harvest organs from.

Cloning technology should be used to bring back to life famous and influential people from the past. Shakespeare,Newton,Einstein and others could be brought back and encouraged to be even greater than before.This could lead to a massive advancement of the human race.