
Wednesday 14 November 2018

Making a balancing toy

In metal this term my class and I made a balancing toy and the first step was to cut the metal to the right size and then drill the holes for the poles to go into and then we had to file the poles clean until they had fit into the holes in the base.Then we had to weld them onto the base and clean the black off the bottom from the welding and after we had to design our balancing toy first I had a arrow but i cut the corner off with the machine so then I had to start another balancing toy and I had to not cut the metal because it was already in the right shape so I had to file it and clean it until it was clean and shiny.

Did I finish my balancing toy

Yes I did finish my balancing toy on time because I did not muck around and I got on with my work and I got to take it home with me after I spray painted it red and black

What did I learn

I learned how to weld and use the electric drill in metal this term it was my first time welding.

What was a challenge

The challenge I had was to get the metal clean and the noise because some people were loud and it was distracting .

Did I weld

Yes I did weld I had to weld the pieces of metal together so they would not come apart and if they were not welded they would just come apart and the balancing toy would not work properly and I have not welded before.

What did I think of welding

I thought welding was fun because we got to hold the welding torch and we got to see our metal get hot and and we had this special rod which melted and it went around the metal and turned hard  then we had to put it in a bucket full of water and the metal made a sizzling sound when the cold water hit the metal then we had to put our hand in the water and pull the metal out and clean it.

What have I got better at

Moving away from Luke and Levi when they start to get annoying and using the welding torch.

Monday 12 November 2018

Pasion projects

Today we just started out a multi day project called passion projects.Hornby high students are asked to select a project based on their passions.Which includes Outdoor education,Music,maths and countless others.I have been put under maths craft and in it I learned about how to make mobius strips and menger sponge

We swisted paper and we glued the paper ends together and we cut them in half and and they joined together

Thursday 1 November 2018

Fat freddys drop

For music we had had given a famous New Zealand  musician or band and i got given Fat Freddy's Drop I have put my slide on my blog so people can read about them and i have found info about them and when they are traveling the world.