
Monday 28 August 2017

Spring haiku

April winds soften
Lilac buds flitter to the ground
Sun shines softly through the clouds

Natures babies spawn

Image result for spring

Wednesday 23 August 2017

tendins,ligments and muscles

tendons connect muscles to bones

ligaments connect bone to bone

muscles are attached to bones and there is about 700 muscles in the human body


what is cartilage
it is

On ends of bones that move across each other
stops friction
acts as a shock absorberImage result for cartilage

three things that can destroy it

heavy impact injury
wear and tear
lack of movement

damage results in bones grinding
as they move over each other

Monday 21 August 2017

centring exercises

Good for posture,releasing tension develop focus concentration,belief.
Use stillness,controlled movement,isolate body parts.

E.g Spine roll,pendulum,zen rock garden

laughing yoga is good for you because it makes you happy when your sad and board and it is good for you

visualisation is about saying things that makes you happy and makes you laugh it is funny

you do visualition by closing your eyes and you breath in and out

Thursday 17 August 2017

The Skeleton

                            The Skeleton
               Related image

1   How many bones has a baby got 300
     How many bones have you got  206

2 structure of the long bone
the structure of bones is there are different types of them and how they work

3 Types of joints
2 cartilaginous
3 synovial
4 immoveable
5 slightly moveable
6 moveable joint or freely moveable joints

4 what's at the end of moving joints

5 functions of the bones
they have a lot of types of functions in the body

There are different types of bones
here are some
1 long
2 short
3 flat
4 sesamoid
5 irregular

Wednesday 9 August 2017

what diseases can the heart have to affect it

There is one important thing on the heart and that is Heart arrhythmia it can cause very serious and heavy symptoms to your heart it can be very painful and people are struggling from the arrhythmia sometimes it can be deadly.You will know if you have heart arrhythmia because your heart will beat to fast or to slow

How can you stop heart arrhythmia you can go to the doctor and they can do something to help stop it and go away slowly to release the pain in your heart.

Image result for Heart arrhythmia         it is not as serious for a person it can be pain full and is not as bad as a stroke or heart attack

Thursday 3 August 2017

Jerick the human

Jerick the human has alot of the organs he can be pulled apart and you can learn all the organs and what they do to help you stay alive


Image result for Brain

What does the brain do 

In fact, your brain is the boss of your body. It runs the show and controls just about everything you do, even when you're asleep.The brain has different Ares that join the thing together.


Image result for human body eyes

How do your eyes work? When you look at an object, the light from it enters your eye through the pupil. The iris changes the size of the pupil, depending on how bright the light is.


Image result for esophagus
The esophagus is a muscular tube connecting the throat (pharynx) with the stomach. The esophagus is about 8 inches long that is what the water and anything you drink or eat goes down into the stomach when chewed. 


Image result for lungs

The lungs and respiratory system allow oxygen in the air to be taken into the body, while also enabling the body to get rid of carbon dioxide in the air breathed out.


Image result for human bodyheart

The blood provides your body with the oxygen and nutrients it needs. It also carries away waste. Your heart is sort of like a pump, or two pumps in one. The right side of your heartreceives blood from the body and pumps it to the lungs.


Image result for liver

The liver is the largest and strongest organ in the body it has about 500 roles in the human body it is roughly a triangular shape the


Image result for stomach

The stomach secretes acid  that digest food. Ridges of muscle tissue called rugae line thestomach.

Large intestine

Image result for large intestine

The major function of the large intestine is to absorb water from the remaining indigestible food matter and transmit the useless waste material from the body.

Small intestine

Image result for small  intestine

The duodenum is the first part of the small intestine. The main role of the duodenum is to complete the first phase of digestion. In this section of the intestine, food from the stomach is mixed with enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the gallbladder. The enzymes and bile help break down food.


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The rectum and anus are the final stages of the digestive tract. Therectum is the last straight section of the large intestine before reaching the anus. The anus is the opening at the lower end of the digestive tract that controls the expulsion of feces.


Image result for anus

The anus is the opening where the gastrointestinal tract ends and exits the body. The anus starts at the bottom of the rectum


Image result for pancreas

it continues breaking down food that has left the stomach. Thepancreas also produces the hormone insulin and secretes it into the bloodstream

Gall Bladder

Image result for gallbladder

The gallbladder is a small organ that is located in the right side of your abdomen just below your ribs and sits under the liver. It is mainly a storage organ that helps in the digestion of fat and helps to make bile more concentrated to increase its effect on fat cells.


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The spleen plays multiple supporting roles in the body. It acts as a filter for blood as part of the immune system. Old red blood cells are recycled in thespleen


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Far from being useless, the appendix may produce and protect beneficial probiotic colonies in the digestive system. According to researchers, the human digestive system is full of bacteria necessary to digest food. ... It turns out that the appendixmay play a vital function in the development of the immune system.