
Monday 31 July 2017

Drama skills

Drama games

name game


copy circle









looks like eyes moving

sounds like loud and quiet

when we played tequila every body was loud and silly the game was fun and we had to copy a person's move it some one says tequila every body has to say it when the teachers says dada dada da every one has to move to a different spot in the circle

copy circle

in copy circle you have to get into a circle and and the teacher choses some body to go into the middle of the circle when the person is chosen they have to do a move then they choose some one else to do  a move in the circle


flocking is when you get into groups of four and make a diamond in your group and you copy someone in the diamond and you change the leader you can do it standing up or sit down


I heard a story about a girl who was so sad about the way she was treated that she killed herself. Not only that but she deliberately hung herself on a tree beside the school bus stop so that everyone would see her body and feel bad. She had called a 'slut' and a 'whore' and other mean names like that mainly because her father was in jail for hitting her. This made me stop and think because the girl did nothing wrong and people were so horrible to her . I am sure her bullies would never realise she would kill herself.

Christchurch water

1 Christchurch storm water

what is  it

Christchurch's storm water its water that is black and groce it is being improved and getting cleaner

where does it go

what does contaminates the water
ertain conditions must be met when discharging water from a swimming pool or spa pool to stormwater

river and oceans contaminate the water

2 Christchurch   waste water

what is it

where does it go

what contaminates the water

Thursday 27 July 2017

Anatomy of me

This is a photo of our body of jade first we had to trace a body on the ground lying down flat then when we had traced the body we had to  put all of the insides in of the body in the place we think they are in then we looked up a body diagram and had a look where the orgins are properly insideImage result for inside human bodyImage result for BRAIN

brain and organs,funtions video

brain can control the blood to any part of your body to make it move it can hold information


Wednesday 26 July 2017

Quality blog commenting

We are learning how to interact online in a kind, positive and helpful way.
Learning how to leave quality blog comments is an important part of having a blog. It teaches us how to interact with others online and enables us to continue growing our positive digital footprint.

Useful to help children about technology
Good intro with the song technology
useful tips for blog commenting
helps you to re read your work
helps you to put in useful information to your work to make it interisting for people to read
helps you to make a good connection to people and other things
useful things for nice comments and helps to start with a nice positive sentence at the start

Monday 24 July 2017

Why play games

The purpose of warm ups is to

prevent injury
relax mental and physical tension
prepare physically and mentally for performance work
help you be more expressive with your body

technology/sound and lights

Thursday 6 July 2017

Archimedes screw

Archimedes screw practical

1 Explian how we made a model of the Archimedes screw first we had to get cans and then tape them  together with duct tape and we used four Coca Cola cans then we got a see through tube and taped it to the cans and then we filled a bucket up with water and then we got one emptied bucket and then we got the Archimedes screw and we punted it into the water and turned it around and then the water goes up to the top and pours out into the emptied bucket we softened the tube by putting it into hot water for a minute or two